4 reasons to start email marketing for your fitness blog

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Today, let’s talk about how you can drive more traffic to your fitness blog AND how you can gain new clients that are more than willing to pay for your amazing products and unique fitness services that you worked so hard to create.

Say, what?!

Yes, by utilizing email marketing tactics early on in your fitness blogging journey, we can get you well on your way to hundreds, if not thousands, of dedicated followers and CLIENTS today!

I’ll go over four simple reasons why you should be using email marketing for your fitness blog, how you can get started, and who can benefit from this information.

Let’s do this!

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is when a person or a business reaches out to their client base or list of customers through emails specifically geared toward a certain niche, product line, service or topic that is appropriate for that audience.

Many times, people or companies set up automated emails or newsletters that are sent to their customers or group list, or, they can create one-time emails that are time sensitive and exclusive for that particular day or season.

Now let’s take a look at the reasons why email marketing is a great idea for you to implement for your blog or business.

RELATED: Grab your legal blogging templates today!

1.     You build trust with your audience

Through email marketing, your reader can get inside access to special features about your business or blog that no one else can get!

For example, someone who is aware that you run a business may think they know already what it is you offer, and then they keep on moving, perhaps even skipping over your amazing products, services, and blog articles.

But if someone is receiving consistent updates from you, letting them know that they have access to exclusive or even secret content, they will start to look at your business in a different way.

‘Am I getting something that the general public is not getting?’

That is a question that might be on your reader’s mind.

People LOVE to feel like they are getting something that other people are missing out on.

For example, you could send your clients an email marketing campaign about your ‘5 secrets to meal prepping that have never been revealed.’

It does not have to be very complicated.

Giving them information that is consistent, as well as giving them a feeling that they are ‘insiders,’ creates more curiosity around your business, and they will likely begin to trust you more and more — they might even turn into a paying customer now!

Your reader will be so blown away by the inside scoop that you have given them for free, that they will wonder what you could actually do for them if they started paying you.

Key takeaway here — you build trust by offering them solutions to problems, or inside info, and they start to look at you as a leader in your area of expertise!

Which leads me to my next section…

2. You establish yourself as a leader in your area of expertise

Do you think if someone was not well versed on their area of business, line of products, or amazing services, that they would offer someone weekly, if not even more frequent, tips and tricks surrounding the trade?


When you begin to send your audience meaningful, valuable and consistent content, you begin to establish yourself as the expert in their area of interest.

For example, my readers might just love 30-minute upper body circuits.

If I begin an email marketing campaign, let’s say, for one month, I can send them weekly or bi-weekly emails that are full of free information regarding different options for upper body routines and related information.

Here is a great example of a themed marketing email campaign I could implement in one month, regarding the topic of upper body workouts for my fitness business:

WEEK 1: Create an email providing information from a blog post I have written about upper body circuits (show a video or create a worksheet for them you can link to inside the email.)

WEEK 2: This email focuses on your blog you did about the Best Upper Body Stretches.

Link to a series of high quality photos, or even a video for this.

Bonus tip: Invite them to a fitness challenge group you are running that week!

WEEK 3: This email focuses on your blog you have written about Best Recovery Shakes for Sore Muscles.

Surely this will apply to them, after weeks of them doing upper body circuits! Include a discount code for them to buy the shakes, or a link to a free sample for them to try.

Calls to action are key, here!

WEEK 4: Give them a really nice free gift to finish out the month of this email campaign regarding upper body circuits.

Create an exclusive video for them; create a top secret fitness worksheet they can print off for their daily routine; you could even send them your secret ingredient list to your favorite smoothie recipe or a top secret playlist you love when you work out.

Be sure this gift you are giving them provides a solution to their problems; gives them value and enriches their life; or it could even entertain them in some way.

For an example of entertainment, the playlist idea, or even a Top 5 Bloopers at my Home Gym reel you might have created. The list could go on!

The key here is to always provide a call to action for them at the end of your campaign.

Calls to action include:

A link to join your challenge group;

a link to buy a product or service;

a link to a free consultation with you — these are just a few examples!

The idea is to provide specific content related to what they are showing up for (fitness).

In the above examples, I am giving them loads of free information, even exclusive stuff.

I am providing value to them that they are probably not finding for free from anyone else; and best of all, I am doing it consistently, so that they begin to looking at me as the beacon of upper body fitness in their lives.

When you provide large amounts of valuable information to people, you are enriching their lives, and making yourself the supreme expert on the subject.

And they would not have signed up to receive your amazing content if they weren’t interested in the products and services you provide!

3. Email marketing builds brand awareness for your fitness business

By giving your readers consistent information that is full of value, you are establishing brand awareness around your business.

For example, when you start your email campaigns, your readers might notice your consistent use of certain colors and photos inside your blog posts and emails.

They might see your logo and colors, and then they will think of you next time they see something that looks like that when they’re out and about.

A great way to start your brand awareness would be to pick a day of the week, and then build a brand-specific campaign around it.

For example, ‘Monday Meal Prep Minute,’ could be an email sent every Monday at 6 a.m., giving your readers an inside look at your new, free recipes and meal prepping schedule that they will only get from you.

They will then associate the ‘Monday Meal Prep Minute’ with your brand!

Your audience will grow to expect and to love waking up to find a new meal prepping recipe and idea every Monday.

This builds a brand specific action around your business, from which you could build on.

How can you build on this brand specific email campaign?

I will give you some examples here:

  • You could start by inviting them into a free challenge group that they can only get access to through being a devoted subscriber (as they are);

  • You could even offer them an exclusive discount code to your latest recipe book, inside that email;

  • You could offer them a free and exclusive piece of video where you show them 5 secrets to meal prepping;

  • The possibilities are endless!

The point is that you will be using different components, i.e., day of the week, colors, logo, consistent looking images, and weekly/bi-weekly segments or short pieces of content or videos (recipes, etc.) that they will begin to associate with you — they will associate these things with your fitness brand!

4. You give them so much value, they desire even more from you (they will eventually take a look at buying from you, if they don’t already)

It may not happen overnight, but by providing quality content to your fitness audience, you are turning them into a customer for life.

  • If you continue to provide solutions to their problems,

  • Give them exclusive access to fitness secrets and services that they would not have seen unless they were a dedicated email subscriber,

  • If you keep helping them to achieve their specific and measurable goals, it will eventually pay off for you.

Your email marketing goal should be to help solve problems for your audience, give them access to free materials that they can use to reach their goals (like a free meal prep schedule, a free print-out for upper body workouts, a free rest-day gratitude worksheet, you get the idea!), and if you keep helping them to improve their lives, the next logical step for them would be for them to invest money into you, which will of course, benefit them!

You want to give them so much content and expertise, that they are begging to be part of the paying group who receives even more awesome stuff!


This was just the beginning.

  • We talked about a list of reasons why email marketing will help you to grow your fitness blog following or your business.

  • We talked about a list of ideas that you could initiate when you start your email campaigns, and we even talked about some free content ideas you could create and give to your readers!

  • Now, it’s time to do your homework.

  • You can start your email marketing journey HERE by using ActiveCampaign (I am not an affiliate, but I really do love using this platform and I recommend it.)

  • You can check out my free guide to email marketing for beginners, HERE.

  • And, if you really don’t feel like starting this email marketing thing yourself, I can do it for you!

  • Book now with me, HERE, and let’s scale your business today!

Be sure to share this article with your fitness friends if you found it useful!








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