Best Goal Planners for Volunteers
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If you’ve ever thought about volunteering, but you have no idea how to start, this article is for you.
Whether you’re competing in pageants and you have dedicated your outreach to a platform or a philanthropy, or if you want to help out in your community to make the world a better place, I’ve done some research to help you along your volunteering journey.
Check out The Service Journal for more details on how to plan your projects and track your ministry work effectively!
Read on for details on the best planners for goal setting and volunteering.
Getting Started
Inside The Service Journal, you receive information on ways to identify your unique talents, as well as action steps to match your abilities with opportunities to serve others.
It also has a done-for-you list of ideas for volunteering and community service.
Planning systems, checklists, guides and worksheets are also there to keep you organized.
Instructions are built inside, for how you can narrow down your ideas and execute goals.
Many of my students say that this journal is inspiring and helps them stay on track.
So many people struggle when it comes to volunteering — you may feel like a fish out of water when you first start showing up to a new location to do work.
Here’s what one of my readers had to say:
“There are so many different types of journals out there, but this is easy, and easy for the person who wants to get started. Because sometimes whether it's a platform and outreach, volunteering, you never know how to go about it. I felt like this inspired me and felt like it would keep me accountable with the notes section, and I love the fact that there are Scriptures to guide.” - Referring to The Service Journal.
— Tina Kycynka, Mrs. Tarpon Springs 2016-2017
CLICK HERE to see what others have to say about The Service Journal!
“I felt like this inspired me, and felt like it would keep me accountable.”
Here are some examples of what the pages look like in the book.
You also have plenty of room to write notes, answer journal prompts and checklists for your projects.
How to Use The Service Journal
Journaling can be used for planning purposes and staying inspired while taking action.
Go through the journal once, and pinpoint which parts you need to start writing in first.
For example, if you need ideas, flip to that section and begin writing.
If you need to know what places are in need of volunteers, there’s info there on that, too.
Want some inspiration? There are journal prompts there, as well.
I created this book for anyone who wants to help others, so I tried to include as many facets of volunteering as I could think of in such a small amount of time.
Use the built in guide as a tool while you plan and perform outreach in your community.
Don't worry if you ever feel stuck -- the important thing is, you’re showing up every day and doing the work.
Deciding on the best way to use your time and talents is one portion of the journal and workbook.
You'll find areas in the book where you can:
Track your progress
Reflect on what's working and what's not
Find options for new outreach projects
Numerous lists of ideas for you to implement
Ways to plan your goals and execute them for the future
Daily inspiration to keep you inspired as you go along
What other journals could help with volunteering?
Many of my students who enjoyed The Service Journal are also enrolled in my course, Confidence Journals: Design Bundle.
It’s packed with all sorts of information related to goal setting, beating anxiety and become more consistent with journaling and sticking to what you will say you’ll do. (YES!!)
In the course, which is less than $15, you receive:
200 Journal Prompts to De-Clutter + Relax
3-Part De-Clutter System Journal
The Service Journal (what we’ve been talking about)
Inspirational poster (two of them, one is included in The Heart Journal!)
You also receive video tutorials on how to use this bundle of journals.
PLUS you receive a FREE Bonus course on how to design your Health Coaching Website - (I teach graphic design courses, too!)
So exciting! You’re almost there…
Feeling like you’re ready to start taking action?