Calls-To-Action for your email campaigns

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Today we’re learning about calls-to-action and how they can help you drive traffic to your website, serve more of your ideal clients, and how they can help your email marketing campaigns.

What is a call-to-action?

A call-to-action is when you ask your audience or reader to make the next move.

It’s when you let them know what they should be doing once they finish doing something on your website or post, such as when they finish reading your article, viewing your photos or browsing your online store.

It could even be when you are doing an interview, Podcast or video, and you end it by saying, “Thank you, sir, now where can our listeners find you and how can you be reached for a follow-up?” The person would then give their answer, and that is how the audience is able to take action.

Basically, you lead them to take the next action.

CTAs help you to convert a visitor or a reader into a lead, or a future customer.

A call-to-action could be when, at the end of your article, you say, “For more information, CLICK HERE.”

You could also say something like, “To view/buy more products like this, CLICK HERE.”

Short List of Examples:

“For more information, CLICK HERE.”

“To buy other items in this color, CLICK HERE.”

“To see more photos/videos like this, CLICK HERE.”

“CLICK HERE to see the secrets to ____.”

“____ is on sale now. Don’t miss out! Shop HERE.”

“Fill out this FORM to receive coupons weekly.”

“Free content can be found by clicking HERE.”

“Shop the limited edition ____ by clicking HERE.”

“My latest book I’ve written is available on [website or store.]”

“Learn more by opting in to receive the free newsletter with exclusive discounts.” [Ask them to fill out a form.]

You get the idea!

Those are just a very limited number of examples, but the point is that you are asking your reader to take action.

You make it clear that the action they take will definitely benefit them!

If you are selling products online, CTAs could be, “Buy,” “Shop,” or “Order.”

You can also offer a free piece of content or information, in exchange for them filling out a form.

For example, “Fill out this form to receive your free [awesome gift] about/related to [insert product].”

Tell them what you want them to do, and how it will directly get them immediate results

People want to feel instant gratification — the feeling that when they opt in, (offering you their email address) they are already getting something they want. Something that is getting them results ahead of time!

LIST - Additional CTA words and phrases:








Action Words












Sign up

Click to save

Try this for free

Start free webinar

Claim your discount code

Words for promoting a newsletter



Sign up for free

Try this for [insert time frame]

Learn exclusive content

Additional tips on using your CTAs:

Use first person language (example: YES! I’m in! [click to claim the goods])

Action words

Make sure to make it timely - sense of urgency - [For a limited time!] [Expiring TONIGHT, act fast!]

Use graphics and text that stand out and are very clear

Make them very obvious to the viewer!

For more information on email marketing and related content, check out these articles below:

3 Best practices for email marketing beginners + grab the FREE guide!

4 Reasons to start email marketing for your fitness blog

[Workbook] Design your custom website blueprints before launch

3 Ways to make your web content more interesting

2 Ways your website should be serving you

Image Tips for Squarespace Websites

3 Simple ways to protect your blog (& your money!)

3 Ways to optimize your blog post using hyperlinks


3 ways to design web graphics


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