[Free workbook] How to Use your Gratitude Journal

Gratitude Journal

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Gratitude: “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness,” according to The Oxford English Dictionary.


Experts have said that expressing gratitude can actually signal chemical reactions in your brain, improving your quality of life.

During my research on gratitude, I learned a lot from Dr. Shainna Ali’s book, The Self Love Workbook: A life-changing guide to boost self-esteem, recognize your worth and find genuine happiness.

Dr. Ali is a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Florida, a nationally-certified clinician, and an approved clinical supervisor, according to PsychologyToday.com. You can find more information about her and her work, HERE.

“The kinder you are to yourself, the easier it is to allow positive statements to flow and nourish your soul. You are also able to create space to humbly deny perfection while you patiently practice acceptance, forgiveness, and gratitude,” Ali says in her book, The Self Love Workbook, [page 115.]

Ali also suggests that you can begin expressing gratitude from within, by highlighting something you appreciate about yourself. [p.115] You can then work outwardly, and write down notes about someone in your life you are thankful for, or even a non-living object, such as a place, thing, or your community.

In addition to Ali’s book, I also found notable research from Dr. Joe Vitale in the book, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne.

The following excerpt was written by Vitale:

“What can you do right now to begin to turn your life around? The very first thing is to start making a list of things to be grateful for. This shifts your energy and starts to shift your thinking. Whereas before this exercise you might be focusing on what you don’t have, your complaints, and your problems, you go in a different direction when you do this exercise. You start to be grateful for all the things you feel good about.”

Here is another quote about gratitude:

“If it is a new thought to you that gratitude brings your whole mind into closer harmony with the creative energies of the Universe, consider it well, and you will see that it is true.” — Wallace Wattles, 1860-1911

The Bible has this to say about gratitude and being thankful:

Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Colossians 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”

How are you expressing gratitude today?

How to use your Gratitude Journal

Now, go ahead and grab your Gratitude Journal! [Click here to download for free.]

I created this simple Gratitude Journal for busy women who want to track the good things in life, and create more abundance.

You can print off the journal or take it with you on-the-go.

Here is what some of the Gratitude Journal pages look like:

Gratitude Journal
Gratitude Journal
Gratitude Journal
Gratitude Journal
Gratitude Journal
Gratitude Journal

Thank you!

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