The history behind Scorpio Sun Crystals
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Welcome, friend!
I’m excited to introduce to you a dear friend of mine, Cheryl Snyder, and her business, Scorpio Sun Crystals.
Have you ever incorporated crystals into your daily routine?
Have you ever thought about the benefits and special properties of crystals, and the value they bring to the world?
I sat down with Cheryl to discuss a plethora of topics, from how she started her business, what inspires her, and amazing information about the unique qualities of crystals. Read on to find which crystals would be the best fit for you.
Quick background about me, I’m Holly Ecimovic, I create digital products for health and wellness coaches, and for those who are interested in personal development. I also design journals. Download all my freebies for your coaching clients, or treat yourself, over here in my Free Stuff Vault [ACCESS NOW.]
Here’s a look at our conversation about Scorpio Sun Crystals, and how crystals can help you in your day-to-day routine.
Holly: Tell us about what inspired you to start Scorpio Sun Crystals, and how did you bring your vision to reality?
Cheryl: I've loved rocks since I was a child and started my collection many years ago. I loved going on vacation and getting tumbles as gifts or candles with crystals in them. On occasion, my parents would take me to gem shows where I got to pick out a few pieces to take home to add to my collection. I even found some cool fossils not too far from my childhood home in Pennsylvania. Once the pandemic hit and I found myself working from home, I stumbled upon some crystal live sales. After I visited my first sale and successfully claimed my first crystal, I was hooked! I love the whole process of showing the crystals and seeing who would claim which one and hoping I'd be successful in getting the ones I wanted (not always easy when so many people want the exact same piece!). One show I was watching, in which the owner of the shop was probably just a bit younger than I am, she shared her story of loving crystals and how she got into selling them. From there the seed was planted! I continued following and shopping in live sales with several different Instagram accounts, and within a few months I started seriously thinking about starting my own crystal business. I did some research and found some informative videos on YouTube. From there, I came up with the name Scorpio Sun Crystals (my sun sign is Scorpio and thought the name was cute). No one else had the name on Instagram or as a registered business. From there, I drafted a logo and had someone help bringing my vision to life. I went through all the business steps to become an LLC and got my marketing materials together, etc. Once the business was set up in late November 2020, I took my time to find suppliers and eventually launched my business in January 2021. I've been in business for just two months and have been having a great time connecting people with crystals. I love personal shopping for my customers to help find them what they are looking for or offering suggestions based on their unique needs and desires.
Holly: What is the origin story behind the name of your business? What inspired it?
Cheryl: Scorpio Sun Crystals came about while I was thinking what I could name my business. My sun sign is Scorpio and I've always like astrology and I thought the name was cute.
Left to right: Cheryl Snyder, Holly Ecimovic during Hatha Yoga session.
Location: Keep It Local Brevard Catering & Events. February, 2021
Cheryl, post-yoga session
Holly: Tell us about how you became interested in crystals and their benefits and intricacies. What sparked your interest?
Cheryl: When I was younger I was just simply attracted to rocks. Any old rock was interesting. There were cool shapes and patterns and each piece was different. Once I started collecting tumbles and minerals, I loved learning about their properties and appreciated their beauty. Later on I came to see how crystals had an effect on people, it went beyond just pretty rocks. I love helping people, inspiring them and motivating them. Helping to connect them with knowledge to help empower their lives. With my crystals business I can help connect people to healing crystals that can really help change their life!
Holly: If you were talking to someone who knew very little about crystals and their properties and benefits, what would you tell them first?
Cheryl: I would tell them there is plenty of information out there and I'd be more than happy to help them navigate all the info. First off, I think intuition is very important. We are attracted to certain things in life for a reason. If someone finds themselves attracted to a particular stone, they don't need to know every metaphysical or energetic property of the stone. That particular stone is probably for them. I'd also give them some insight on the chakras of the body. Most crystals connect to a specific chakra based on color, and that can be very helpful in finding a match for yourself. Beyond that, certain crystals have certain healing properties and benefits. For example, clear quartz is a master healer and amplifier. So when you pair it with any other stone, it enhances that stone’s properties. Black Tourmaline is a very popular stone of grounding and protection and a great piece to have in your home, especially in the entry way (I also like keeping it around my house in other places such as the bedrooms.) So if someone was looking for a specific need, like a crystal to help with stress, focus, love, creativity, motivation, etc., I could point them in the right direction. Crystals can be raw or polished and come in many different shapes and those characteristics can also be deciding factors in which crystal you choose.
Holly: Can you talk a little about how crystals tie in to self-care and holistic wellness?
Cheryl: Crystals are great for self-care. I personally love the physical reminders in my space or on my body. For instance, I keep soothing crystals like Blue Calcite and Howlite on my night stand. Blue calcite is very calming and Howlite is great for sleep. Rose quartz is a very popular crystal for love (not just romantic love, but all types of love, including self love.) I personally love crystal jewelry. I have several, rings, necklaces and bracelets. I don't wear everything every day, but depending on how I feel each day will depend on what crystals I choose to wear. I like having that little extra boost from my jewelry. Many people love carrying tumbles on their person, in their purse, pockets or even their bra! I think if having crystals near you, in your home or on you make you feel better, then that's part of self-care and can bring you more in touch with your feelings and a general sense of self-awareness. From that place of awareness we can make or experience great changes in our lives for the better. I've heard many beautiful testimonies from people about how crystals have changed their lives and I believe in their healing properties.
Holly: What have you learned about people and their preferences when it comes to crystals? Are there certain ones that people are drawn to?
Cheryl: From my experience, people are very drawn to protective crystals, grounding crystals, crystals for love, anxiety, and/or stress relief. Transformation, new beginnings and prosperity/abundance are also popular. Other people choose whatever calls to them. That could be a specific crystal based on size, shape, color, etc.
Holly: Now we must ask, can you break down a little bit and explain some general categories of the crystals? For instance, ones that promote relaxation, or rejuvenation, healing, creativity and more? We can't wait to hear!
Cheryl: Of course. For protection, Black Tourmaline and Black Obsidian are go-to's. For relaxation, I love Blue Calcite, Blue Lace Agate and Caribbean Calcite. For creativity, I personally love Carnelian. For abundance and prosperity, I love Citrine and Pyrite. Clear quartz, Golden Healer and Amethyst are great overall healers. For love, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite and Rhodochrosite. For transformation, I love Labradorite. For grounding, I love Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper and Petrified Wood. It's pretty safe to say if you have a need, there is a crystal out there for it!
Holly: Which crystals would you recommend to someone who has a goal they're trying to reach? Perhaps for inspiration or positive energy.
Cheryl: For inspiration, I love Carnelian. I love to pair Carnelian with Citrine. Amazonite is also a great crystal for inspiration. I like Mookaite jasper, Sunstone, Rose quartz, amethyst, Fluorite and Citrine for positivity.
Holly: Which crystals have medicinal properties? Do they have vibrations?
Cheryl: I'm not a medical doctor or someone who is licensed in any health practice, so what I can say is that I know crystals can be used in alternative healing practices. The great thing is there is plenty of information out there to research. I'd suggest reaching out to an alternative medicine practicioner that you trust to more deeply explore the aspects of crystal healing. Also, this is something you can observe through the practice of having and using crystals to see what may have a noticeable effect on you. The more you interact with your crystals, the more you will learn. Everything on earth vibrates. We live in an energetic world, and that includes crystals.
Holly: How should someone decide which crystals to use specifically? What criteria should they use?
Cheryl: As I said before, intuition is great. You can also reach out to someone in the crystal community or healers that work with crystals to help give you insight and connect you with crystals that may work best for you. There is also lots of info on the internet, but ultimately until you have a crystal in your possession you won't know for sure. For instance, some people are very sensitive to crystals in a physical way. Holding a certain crystal in there hand may produce heat or a burning sensation. Others may feel tingles in their hand when they hold or meditate with certain crystals.
Holly: Which crystals are perfect for each of the following: For finding clarity; for matters of the heart; for manifesting your dreams; for loving others; and for overcoming adversity.
Cheryl: For clarity, I like Fluorite. For matters of the heart, rose quartz, rhodonite and rhodochrosite. For manifesting your dreams, Citrine. For loving others, rose quartz. For overcoming adversity, Carnelian, Bloodstone, Fire Agate, Tiger's Eye, Red jasper, Hematite and Smoky Quartz (also pairing any protective stone would be great).
It’s been amazing to learn all about crystals, and how Cheryl was inspired to start her business. Do you have a question for Cheryl? If so, you can reach her here: Find her on Facebook here - Scorpio Sun Crystals and on Instagram @scorpiosuncrystals.
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