How to write a future self letter

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Today, I wanted to share with you a quick exercise I do once in a while to get some perspective on things.

It’s called a Future Self Letter.

You can write as many as you’d like, and I’ll explain some things I’ve learned that will help you.

I know a lot of people write these letters differently. I sometimes keep mine short, and I write as if I am my future self talking to me now. A “me” who is probably worried, stressed, and feeling generally down-trodden for whatever reason.

So, here is one example of a letter I have written before.

You can use mine as an outline or a guide for when you write your own.

Before we get started, here’s a quick background on me.

I’m Holly Ecimovic, I create books and journals for health and wellness coaches, and for those who love personal development + fitness.

I also design journals. Download all my freebies for your coaching clients, or treat yourself, over here in my Free Stuff Vault [ACCESS NOW.]


Now, here’s the letter - (see above for visuals)

Dear Me,

I know you're going through a hard time right now, but I want you to know something.

You've come so far.

You're not finished yet. This is not the end.

You don't have to believe the lies that you aren't good enough.

You don't have to settle for people who don't see the best in you.

You don't even have to think thoughts of being inadequate, if you don't feel like it.

It's all up to you.

Remember that.

You have power. Now, use it.

Love, Future Me

Helpful hints for writing your letter:

  • Be honest

  • Have compassion with yourself

  • Enjoy the process

  • Rip it up if you have to. Just get it out on paper.

  • Have an accountability partner who is writing theirs, too.

  • Stay consistent

  • Love the person you are becoming. Love the person you already are.

Thank you

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